Stay on top of your personal finances and make informed decisions about things like travel points and memberships.
What you'll get:
- Cost Per Use Template - Easily calculate how much each use costs you for things like gym memberships, online subscriptions, etc.
- Escrow Calendar - want to manage your own payments for things like taxes and insurance but afraid you won't stay organized enough to save in advance and pay on time? This calendar keeps all payments and deposits to savings listed on one screen to make sure you're on target.
- Travel Points Log - Managing credit card points responsibly and fitting them into your overall personal finance big picture is not an easy task! This simple log will help you keep a record of everywhere you've used the points, how much that travel would have cost you if you paid in cash, and which cards you're using. This information can help you decide if the points (and the work involved!) is worth it to you or not.
Available for immediate digital download. Final Sale.