Get Your Custom Budget

27. Getting Creative When the Mortgage Triples with Jenelle

Season #2

What would you do if you bought a home with a mortgage that was almost triple your previous mortgage? And then you ended up needing to reduce your income to care for a sick family member? Today on the podcast, Jenelle Walsh comes to share her story of getting creative with her money and committed to paying off debt that came out of circumstances she couldn't have seen in advance. Jenelle is a licensed therapist, mom of two, and the money manager for her family.

Does your money feel like something that happens to you? Do you feel stuck where you're at with your money? Wishing you could finally get to a place where you feel confident about your finances, able to budget for your goals even when plans change? Most attempts at budgeting fall apart because they depend on everything going exactly according to plan, but life simply doesn't work that way. This Sunday, September 24th, at 3:00 PM central time, I'm going to be teaching a free budgeting workshop called "Stuck to Stable: How to Budget Even When Plans Change". I'll be sharing the approach I take with my own family budget and the budgets I build for hundreds of families just like yours. If you're not looking for the next investment fad or how to accumulate a bunch of expensive stuff, and you just want your family's finances to feel stable, go to to register for this completely free live workshop.  


If you'd like to share your story of managing unplanned expenses, or if you'd like Carly's help sorting through your money situation, you can apply to be a guest on the podcast at