Get Your Custom Budget

33. Renting vs Owning Your Home with Haley Brown-Woods

Season #2

If you've been following me for the past four months, you know that we recently chose to sell our home and become renters. This was a confusing choice to many people, and I was told multiple times that we are now throwing our money away. Well, my family isn't the only one who is budgeting well, achieving our financial goals over time, and choosing to rent instead of own. Haley Brown-Woods from Price of Avocado Toast shares her story about also choosing to go from owning to renting. 

Check out the podcast that Haley and her husband Justin host, and find them on all your favorite social channels at @priceofavocadotoast


Debt Free Mom Custom Budget

When it seems like there should be more left in your bank account, and your money seems too complicated to keep track of, the Debt Free Mom Custom Budget service takes the guesswork out of your next budget. Send us your real numbers and You’ll receive two versions of your pay period budget: the original so you can see how your money is currently flowing and a suggested budget with changes we recommend to prioritize your money goals. Sign up for your Custom Budget today at


Join Carly on the Debt Free Mom Podcast

  • If you have a money question you'd like Carly to answer,
  • If you have a story of how you navigated unexpected expenses,

head over to and fill out the guest application. We'd love to talk to you!