Reduce Your Monthly Bills Without Changing Your Lifestyle
Feb 27, 2023
Want to reduce your monthly bills without changing your lifestyle? The definition of making money is "anything we do to increase the gap between our income and expenses."
Are you needing more breathing room in your budget but overwhelmed by the idea of taking on more work to increase income? Decreasing the expenses you already have has exactly the same effect on your finances as increasing income.
When I was a new stay at home mom and starting this business, I liked to say “I’m one car payment away from not being a stay at home mom.” It was the expenses I didn’t have that opened doors me in the same way if not more than the income Kyle was bringing in.
So take heart and take action.
Maybe picking up a side job isn’t in your near future. But diligently gathering quotes for the repeating expenses you already have:
💰 insurance
💰 cell phone
💰 cable
💰 vet, dentist, eye doctor
💰 and a whole lot more!
can be your job - because you make money when you decrease expenses!
Every location and car/cell phone situation is different. But instead of excusing away why these 2 can’t change for you, find a creative way to change a different bill in your budget.
Here are the 2 bills I look at first:
I build over 30 budgets each month for real people like you!
Budget after budget, I notice 2 repeating bills that tend to be higher than they need to be!
Car Insurance
In the last 5-10 years the number of insurance companies out there has expanded substantially. And competition means lower prices. Getting a quote online takes 30 minutes or less and you can make sure you're getting a quote for the exact same amount of coverage you have now.
We've been with esurance for over 7 years and have had phenomenal service including both a car insurance claim and a home insurance claim. Get 2-3 online quotes per year just to make sure that you couldn't pay less for the exact same coverage.
Cell Phone
Just like insurance companies, cell phone options have expanded recently. Specifically, the option to get plans that are prepaid and no-contract. I've switched our cell phone provider 4 times in the last 10 years as options have come up that provide the same coverage for cheaper.
We're currently with Verizon Prepaid and pay $65/month for 2 phones - one with 15gb per month and one with 5gb per month. We buy phones both new and used on ebay, Swappa, or other reputable online stores.
How long does it take to switch? 3 hours at most.
That's $400 per hour for your effort.
Here's Your Action Plan
- Get Quotes and Switch
- Lower Your Monthly Bills
- Make Your Goals Happen Faster!
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Maybe this post is the nudge you need to gather a few quotes and celebrate a new way to save without changing your lifestyle!